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Movimientos de Mujeres and the Zine will provide a tri-lingual, accessible, critical and cultural forum transcending national borders for people who are members of grassroots organizations from Latin America and the United States about issues that affect all of us, including the environment, migration, trade, and the economic and military policies that only favor corporate interests and enforce border imperialism. Through our sharing, we aim to build relationships, get feedback about our analyses and strategies, challenge our assumptions, broaden our perspectives and deepen both our own work and cross-border solidarity.


A goal of the Movimientos de Mujeres and the Zine is to provide a way to solicit donations for the work of the movements we directly support in Colombia, El Salvador and the US/Mexico borderland (Coahuila). The first issue will support the Comité Fronterizo de Obrer@s (CFO). To build on our recent delegation to Coahuila and respond to the likely impending loss of maquila jobs, we suggest focusing on raising funds for the CFO in our first issue.

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